On Sunday evening following the horrible tragedy that took place at the the ‘Dark Knight’ premiere, President Obama addressed the nation from Aurora, Colorado. Comforting a country — especially following one of the worst mass shootings in U.S. history — is no easy task, but Obama does his best by highlighting a heroine rather than a villain.
In this speech, the President thanks the law enforcement for their work in apprehending the criminal and expresses sympathy for the victim’s families. He also tells the story of brave young girl named Stephanie Davies, who had the courage to save her friend Allie’s life and call the authorities while trapped inside the theater.
“I don’t know how many people at any age would have the presence of mind Stephanie did or the courage that Allie showed. And so, as tragic as the circumstances of what we’ve seen today are, as heart breaking as it is for the families, it’s worth us spending most of our time reflecting on young Americans like Allie and Stephanie, because they represent what’s best in us and they assure us that out of this darkness a brighter day is going to come.”
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