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Newspaper Endorsements Influence Voters [Study]

August 18, 2011 coms 0

Voters might like to think that they cannot be swayed by the influence of media endorsements, but Brian Knight and Chun Fang Chiang, researchers at Brown University, recently published a study in The Review of Economic Studies which states that media endorsements do have a significant effect of the decisions of voters.

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Research examines key qualities that voters expect in their presidential candidates

January 10, 2011 coms 0

What are the key characteristics that voters consider when they’re choosing their candidate for president? New research led by Judith Trent, a professor of communication at the University of Cincinnati, yields some surprising findings from surveys from the 2008 primary campaign in New Hampshire – a historic campaign in itself because of the diverse demographic characteristics of some of the leading contenders. The top ideal quality picks are a candidate’s honesty and willingness to talk about the challenges affecting the nation.