The field of organizational communication is somewhat related to mass communication and even intercultural communications, but more specifically concerns the ways that people interact and communicate within organizations such as businesses and political groups. Since the 1930s, organizational communication experts have looked at how humans behave in organizations in order to recognize patterns and to analyze how a membership in an organization can affect a person’s behaviors and decisions. In this section of our blog, we look at the latest research, surveys and analyses in the organizational communication field. This growing subsection of communication study has important applications, especially due to ways that e-mail, text messaging and other new information technologies have influenced human communication over the past several years.

People in Jobs Traditionally Held by the Other Sex Are Judged More Harshly for Mistakes
In these modern times, people can have jobs that weren’t traditionally associated with their genders. Men are nurses; women are CEOs. A new study examines perceptions of people in high-powered jobs and finds that they’re likely to be judged more harshly for mistakes if they’re in a job that’s not normally associated with their gender.